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Welcome to BOI Wellness and Life Coaching Certification Course. Please don't forget to also send us your email with your contact information and the student agreement.

If you are enrolling in our one-on-one mentoring program, please call us at 310-455-6815 and ask for Viviana. She will gladly help you to make your first appointment.

I look forward to seeing you in class and support you in your efforts to live a happier and fulfilling life, as well as learning the art and science of helping others do likewise.

Gian Girardi, BOI founder


The Brain Optimization™ Institute offers classes information, counseling, courses with certifications and counseling on drug free solutions to ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, substance abuse and other forms of brain / mental suffering and disorders. Certifications include Brain Nutrition Counseling™, Life/Wellness Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology, and Psychology of Consciousness. The Brain Optimization Institute also offers a Certification in Holistic Life Mastery for those who have already completed the three certifications mentioned abov, and a ten months training on How to Create a Private Practice. For those living in Glendale, Los Angeles, California the Brain Optimization™ Institute offers, through Viviana Girardi, BA, Cofounder of the Institute, in-person Energy Healing, with a combination of Reiki and Massage, Retreats in Glendale, Raw and Vegetarian Cooking Classes and Restorative Yoga.
Brain Optimization Institute's broadcasting studio for online classes is presently located in Glendale, Los Angeles County, California. Students from adjacent cities and locations like Pasadena, Studio City, San Fernando Valley, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, West Los Angeles, Brentwood, Bel Air, Santa Monica, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Orange County can take our courses in a group format via BOI's webinar platform, in person, on Skype or on the phone. Students living in cities and locations further away in the States or abroad like San Francisco, San Diego, New York, North and South Carolina, Miami, London England, Paris France, Rome and Milan Italy, Madrid and Barcelona in Spain, Santiago Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ecuador, Quito, Montreal, Cape Town and Johannesburg in South Africa, New Zealand, Hawaií, Kauai, Maui, Kenya, Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta in India, Hong Kong and Shanghai in China, Taipei in Taiwan, can take our courses in the group format or one on one via BOI's Webinar platform, Skype or phone. All classes are presently presented by the Brain Optimization Institute's founder Gian Paolo Girardi, MS, MA.

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